Welcome to Go!MONEY.

All the stuff they didn't teach you at school? We've got it right here.

Reflect upon your personal and financial values. Explore how business cycles and economic trends impact human life. Learn your money mindsets and take more control. Discover trends in the future of money, like crypto, NFTs, Universal Basic Income and alternative currencies.

Perfect for: Gap year students, Recent graduates, Early career professionals, and anyone looking to create an abundance relationship with their finances.

This is the Go! version of Money meaning you can do this anytime anywhere!

In this unit you will learn:

  1. Engage with and evaluate the place of money in society.
  2. Explore how business cycles and economic trends can impact human life.
  3. Compare and contrast features of traditional versus digital financial systems.
  4. Evaluate and reflect upon your personal and financial values.
  5. Understand key methods and tools related to your own financial agency.
  6. Practice key financial capabilities relevant to the business and startup space.

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Meet your Industry HEXperts

We have sourced industry's finest from a cross-section of roles, industries and organisations to give you the 411 on the Money (ka-ching). 

Are you ready for the future? 

Stay HEXy!
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